Reporting according to the Danish Se-curities Trading Act section 28 a

December 9, 2009 at 12:00 AM EST
Company announcement No 36/2009
9 December 2009

In accordance with section 28 a of the Danish Securities Trading Act, Royal
Unibrew shall hereby report the following information regarding the managerial
staff's and their connected persons' transactions with Royal Unibrew's shares
and associated securities. 

Name 	Erik Højsholt
Reason 	Board Member
Issuer 	Royal Unibrew A/S 
Securities ID 	DK0060194710
Title 	Subscription rights
Transaction 	Excercise of Subscription rights
Trading date 	4 December 2009 
Market 	NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S  
Number, pcs. 	830
Market price in DKK 	62,250.-

Please direct any queries to me at tel. +45 5677 1500.

Yours sincerely
Royal Unibrew A/S

Ulrik Sørensen