H1 report 2009

August 26, 2009 at 12:00 AM EDT
Company Announcement No 24/2009			
26 August 2009

In H1 2009, Royal Unibrew realised an operating profit of DKK 87 million
compared to DKK 63 million last year. At the same time, cash flows from
operating activities improved by DKK 158 million. Net interest-bearing debt was
reduced by DKK 53 million compared to year end 2008. The significant
performance im-provement is due to the implementation of a number of activities
to strengthen the Group's earnings and cash flow initiated at the beginning of
the year as well as to increasing net selling prices and a changed sales mix.
The significant performance and cash flow improvements were realised in spite
of difficult market condi-tions and decreasing revenue. 

”The performance for H1 2009 exceeded expectations and confirms that the
activities initiated by us have had the intended effect. The development shows
that the Group is fundamentally sound and capable of generating strong cash
flow and reasonable results. Moreover, it is very positive that net
interest-bearing debt has been reduced in spite of the seasonal activity
increase. The conditional sale of the Caribbean breweries will further
contribute towards improving the Group's debt position. At the same time, all
relevant options are being considered to ensure an appropriate capital
structure as previously announced,” says Henrik Brandt, CEO. 

•	In H1, Royal Unibrew achieved significantly  improved operating results:

?	Operating profit (DKK 87 million) up by DKK 24 million (+38%) from 2008
?	Revenue decline by 8% due to the global recession, but market share wins or
maintenance in main mar-kets 
?	Profit margin up to 4.5% (2008: 3.0%) due to net selling price increases,
changed sales mix primarily geo-graphically as well as cost adjustments and
enhanced efficiency 
?	Profit before tax but after special items amounting to DKK 23 million (2008:
a loss of DKK 16 million) 
•	Cash flow development was also above expectations in H1:
?	Strong improvement of free cash flow (a positive DKK 49 million compared to a
negative DKK 142 mil-lion in H1 2008) 
?	Working capital at the end of H1 2009 DKK 275 million below the figure at the
same time in 2008 
?	Cash flows from operating activities amounting to DKK 143 million (2008: a
negative DKK 15 million) for H1 2009 
?	Major investment projects initiated in 2008 completed in H1 2009
?	Net interest-bearing debt was reduced by DKK 53 million since the beginning
of the year in spite of the seasonal sales increase usually resulting in an
increase of net working capital, and thus net interest-bearing debt, which
amounted to DKK 2.1 billion at the end of H1 2009. 
?	The Group has committed, unutilised credit facilities of some DKK 600
million. As a result of the earn-ings, the net working capital reduction and
the effect of the sale in Poland, the Group's ratios at 30 June 2009 are
significantly better than required in the covenants included in the funding
agreement made  with the banks. 
•	Realisation of the strategic main priorities - see Announcement of Annual
Results for 2008 - is progressing as planned: 
?	Poland:	The Koszalin brewery and the local brands have been sold. This
combined with the other adjustments in Poland results in realisation of the
planned re-ductions of the number of employees (some 125 full-time employees). 
?	Denmark:	The change of the production and distribution structure was
completed in Q2 and as planned the number of salaried employees was reduced by
some 100. 
?	Baltic countries:	Joint operating management and integration of the
organisations in Lithuania and Latvia were completed. 
?	Cash flow and capital structure:	A strong cash flow in H1 2009 (DKK 143
million) means that net interest-bearing debt is considerably lower than
expected due to, among other things, reduced inventories. The conditional
agreement to sell the Group's Caribbean breweries as well as the sale of
brewery and brands in Poland are expected to further reduce net
interest-bearing debt towards the end of 2009. Efforts are still being directed
at reducing the debt level and ensuring a more appropriate capital structure. 

•	Based on the results realised for H1 2009 and taking into account that the
general development remains sub-ject to uncertainty, full-year operating profit
before special items is now expected to be at the level of DKK 170-210 million
compared to the previous expectation of a figure in excess of DKK 135 million.
The expecta-tion of special items amounting to an expense of DKK 35 million
remains unchanged, whereas net financials are now estimated at DKK 125-135
million compared to the previously expected DKK 145-165 million. 
•	Without taking into account the positive effect of the sale of the Caribbean
breweries, net interest-bearing debt is expected to be reduced by some DKK 150
million in 2009 reaching a level of some DKK 2 billion at the end of the year. 
For further information on this Announcement:
Henrik Brandt, CEO, tel + 45 56 77 15 13

The Announcement has been prepared in Danish and English. In case of
discrepancy, the Danish version shall prevail. This Company Announcement
consists of 33 pages. 

The primary activities of Royal Unibrew are to market, sell, distribute and
produce quality beverages focusing on branded products primarily within beer,
malt and soft drinks. The Group's products are sold in approx. 65 markets in
Western Europe, Eastern Europe, the Caribbean, North America and Africa. Royal
Unibrew comprises the Albani and Faxe breweries in Denmark, Kalnapilis in
Lithuania, Livu Alus and the soft drinks bottlery Cido in Latvia, Browar Lomza
and Strzelec in Poland. 
It is the vision of Royal Unibrew to develop the Group's position as a leading
provider of beverages in Western and Eastern Europe and in our malt drinks
markets with increasing profitability. Outside these areas, we will develop
selected profitable export markets. 
To read more, visit www.royalunibrew.com. 

Highlights			1 
Financial Highlights and Key Ratios			4 
Management's Review			5 
Financial Calendar			16
Company Announcements			16 
Management's Statement			17 
Financial Statements			
	Income Statement			18 
	Assets			19 
	Liabilities and Equity			20 
	Statement of Changes in Equity			21 
	Cash Flow Statement			23 
	Descriptive Notes 			
		1 	Significant Accounting Policies			24 
		2 	Accounting Estimates and Judgements			24 
		3 	Segment Reporting			25 
	Notes Relating to Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement			
		4 5 	Special Items
Tax on the Profit for the Period			27
		6 	Basis of Calculation of Earnings and Cash Flow per Share		28 
		7 	Treasury Shares			29 
		8 	Cash Flow Statement			30 
	Other Notes			
		9 	Acquisitions			31 
Financial Highlights and Key Ratios for H1 2005-2009	32		
Definitions of Key Figures and Ratios	33		


2009	H1
2008	Q2 2009	Q2 2008	2008
SALES (thousand hectolitres)	3,268.0 	3,756.0 	1,958.0 	2,212.0 	7,079.0 
Income Statement					
Net revenue	1,912.9	2,079.7	1,145.3	1,241.4	4,178.7
Operating profit before special items	86.9	63.3	114.8	98.4	134.9
Special items, net	(24.8)	(33.9)	(8.3)	(1.3)	(50.1)
Impairment	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	(385.0)
Profit before financial income and expenses	62.1	29.4	106.5	97.1	(300.2)
Impairment of other investments	0.0	0.0	0.0	0.0	(70.1)
Other financials, net	(39.2)	(45.7)	(39.6)	(17.6)	(82.7)
Profit/(loss) before tax	22.9	(16.3)	67.0	79.4	(453.0)
Consolidated profit/(loss)	16.9	(11.8)	51.5	56.4	(483.2)
Royal Unibrew A/S' share of profit/(loss)	16.3	(11.8)	50.8	56.5	(484.3)
Balance Sheet					
Total assets	4,086.6	4,285.1	4,086.6	4,285.1	4,051.4
Equity	553.4	1,040.8	553.4	1,040.8	574.8
Net interest-bearing debt	2,138.7	1,975.9	2,138.7	1,975.9	2,191.9
Free cash flow	48.9	(142.0)	178.8	0.7	(356.2)
Per share					
Royal Unibrew A/S' share of earnings per share (DKK)	3.0	(2.1)	9.3	10.3	26.4
Royal Unibrew A/S' diluted share of earnings per share
(DKK)	3.0	(2.1)	9.3	10.3	26.2 
Cash flow per share (DKK)	25.9	(2.8)	31.2	23.0	19.0
Diluted cash flow per share (DKK)	25.9	(2.8)	31.2	23.1	19.0
Key figures (mDKK)					
EBITDA	138.7	108.8	136.7	134.9	254.6
EBIT 	62.1	29.4	106.5	97.1	(300.2)
Key ratios (%)					
Profit margin	4.5	3.0	10.0	7.9	3.2
EBIT margin	3.2	1.4	9.3	7.8	(7.2)
Free cash flow as a percentage of net revenue	2.6	(6.8)	15.6	0.1	(8.5)
Equity ratio	13.5	24.3	13.5	24.3	14.2
Debt ratio	386.5	189.8	386.5	189.8	381.3

The key ratios have been calculated in accordance with the “Recommendations and
Financial Ratios 2005” of the Danish Society of Financial Analysts. 

In 2009, Royal Unibrew has special focus on the Group's earnings, cash flows
from operating activities, reduction of the investment volume considering the
projects in progress as well as capital structure. Due to this focus as well as
the general uncertainty of the economic development and consumer behaviour,
Royal Unibrew is con-tinuously prepared and ready to implement all the
necessary cost adjustments warranted by developments. 

As mentioned in the Announcement of Annual Results for 2008 (see Company
Announcement No 2/2009), the changed strategy for Royal Unibrew is based on the
following main areas: 

•	Structural and operational adjustment in Poland
The adjustment of the Polish activities is progressing as planned. As announced
in Company Announcement No 22/2009 of 2 June 2009, the Koszalin brewery and two
brands related to the region around the brewery were sold. The sale and other
adjustments in Poland have resulted in a total reduction of the number of
em-ployees by some 125. The activities implemented will have full financial
impact during H2 2009. Efforts are still directed at enhancing efficiency in
Poland, and the target is to create a basis for positive earnings (at EBITDA
level) as of 2010. All necessary initiatives are being considered. 

•	Structural and organisational adjustment in Denmark
The production and distribution structure projects of transferring production
from Aarhus to Faxe and Odense and changing the Danish distribution system were
completed as planned in April 2009.  Moreover, the planned structural and
organisational adjustment has been completed and the number of salaried
em-ployees has been reduced by some 100 full-time employees. The full impact of
this adjustment will be felt during H2 2009. 

•	Joint operating management in the Baltic countries
The overall organisational framework has been determined and the executives to
be in charge have been ap-pointed. The new operating management will focus on
improved joint resource and competence utilisation both in the short and long
term. This will strengthen the local market organisations and further enhance
effi-ciency in other areas. 

•	Cash flow and reduction of debt
In spite of net interest-bearing debt being at a lower level than expected at
30 June 2009 and expectations - without taking into account the sale of the
Caribbean activities - of a further reduction in H2, Management continues to
believe that the Group's financial structure is inappropriate. The conditional
sale of the shares in the Group's Caribbean brewery companies is expected to
reduce the Group's net interest-bearing debt by just below DKK 200 million
towards the end of 2009 as compared to the level at the beginning of 2009 (see
Com-pany Announcement No 23/2009 of 12 August 2009). The sale of the Polish
brewery and brands will have a positive cash flow effect in 2009 of some DKK 40
million, the main part at the end of the year. 

In the period to year end 2010, the Group does, however, wish to reduce net
interest-bearing debt to a level corresponding to not more than 3 times EBITDA
and to strengthen the Company's financial standing. The process to ensure a
more appropriate financial structure therefore perseveres and, in that
connection, consid-eration of all relevant possibilities will continue. 

The development of the brewery site in Aarhus continues to have high priority.
Royal Unibrew does not in-tend to participate in development of the area, but
wishes to sell the site. It is assessed that the comparatively best price may
be achieved when the local plan for the area is in place. A proposal for a
development plan for the area was submitted to the local authorities of Aarhus
in April 2009 as a basis for a project evaluation and the preparation of a
changed local plan.  Multi-purpose use of the site is expected, primarily for
offices and housing. A changed local plan is expected to be finally approved
during 2010. 

As an additional element of the efforts to reduce interest-bearing debt,
continued efforts are currently made to optimise net working capital. Net
working capital at the end of H1 amounting to DKK 73 million was DKK 275
million below the figure at the same time in 2008. 

The Group's investments will be kept at a reasonably low level in the remaining
months of 2009 and 2010. In H1 2009, gross investments in property, plant and
equipment amounted to DKK 146 million, of which 85% relates to the completion
of investments initiated in 2008. In the same period of 2008, investments
amounted to DKK 172 million. 

As previously announced, the Group has entered into an agreement with its
primary bankers that they will make available until 31 March 2011 the credit
facilities considered necessary by the Group. At 30 June 2009, the Group had
committed, unutilised credit facilities of some DKK 600 million and net
interest-bearing debt was significantly lower than anticipated. At 30 June
2009, there is considerable headroom to the covenants determined by the banks. 

In H1 2009, the Royal Unibrew Group realised a profit before tax of DKK 23
million, which is above expectations and a DKK 39 million improvement on 2008. 

The results for the period do not reflect a proportionate share of the
full-year results as the period is used to carry out major maintenance work on
production facilities before the peak season and, furthermore, includes only
one month of the peak season of the year. 

In H1 2009, Royal Unibrew improved its earnings and market position as compared
to the same period of last year in spite of the global crisis and the resulting
changed customer and consumer behaviours causing lower sales and revenue. 

The estimate at the end of H1 2009 is that the negative growth rate has been
diminishing in several of the Group's markets compared to the same period of
2008. However, demand continues to decline in several markets. 

In the period, the Group extended or maintained its market shares in most key
markets. However, increased price competition must be noted in several of the
Group's Northern European markets. 

In certain markets - in particular Latvia - significant efficiency enhancing
measures and a dynamic cost adjustment have been implemented in the light of
reduced sales, which has contributed towards protecting earnings in the areas
in question. 

In Poland, a brewery and two brands were sold with effective transfer at 2 June
2009 (see Company Announcement No 22/2009 of 2 June 2009). 

The developments in the Group's activities for the period 1 January - 30 June
2009 break down as follows on market segments: 

	Western Europe	Eastern Europe	Malt and Overseas Markets 	Unallocated	Group
Sales (thousand hectolitres)	1,648	1,369	251	-	3,268
Growth (%)	-10.5	-15.6	-14.1		-13.0
Share of sales (%)	50	42	8	-	100
Net revenue (mDKK)	1,228	464	221	-	1,913
Growth (%)	-2.8	-19.2	-8.5		-8.0
Share of net revenue (%)	64	24	12	-	100
Operating profit/loss
(before special items) (mDKK)	
Profit margin (%)	8.5	-2.9	7.0		4.5
Earnings before interest and tax EBIT (mDKK)	
EBIT margin (%)	7.3	-3.3	5.5		3.2

Total group sales in H1 aggregated 3.3 million hectolitres of beer, malt and
soft drinks, which is a 13% decrease from 2008. 

The net revenue of the Group was, however, only reduced by 8% from 2008
amounting to DKK 1,913 million. 3 percentage points of the revenue reduction
are attributable to the decreasing PLN rate and the termination of unprofitable
supply agreements concerning private label. Selling price increases were
introduced in almost all markets. Moreover, a positive mix shift was realised
as the sales reduction was lower in Western Europe than in Eastern Europe. 

Gross profit decreased from 2008 by DKK 65 million amounting to DKK 817
million, which is 7% below the 2008 figure. The estimate is that the lower
sales have reduced gross profit by more than DKK 125 million, whereas the
higher gross margin had a positive effect of more than DKK 60 million. The
gross margin for H1 was 42.7% compared to 42.4% in the same period of last
year. From an overall perspective, the higher realisable values per unit have
thus more than compensated for the increase in production costs, primarily
relating to raw materials the purchase prices of which are covered by forward
contracts to a considerable extent. 

The focus on sales and marketing efforts and the implemented change of the
distribution structure in Denmark resulted in an 11% reduction of the Group's
sales and distribution expenses in H1 2009 compared to 2008. Administrative
expenses were reduced by some 8%. The full impact of the adjustments
implemented primarily in Denmark and Poland will be realised during H2 2009. 

Operating profit before ”special items” amounted to DKK 87 million in H1 2009,
which is a DKK 24 million improvement on 2008. The improvement has been
achieved by realising higher net selling prices per sales unit and material
cost savings in production, sales and distribution as well as administrative
functions. The earnings effect of this has thus been higher than the reduction
in sales and gross profit, which is primarily a result of the economic decline. 

”Special items” amounted to DKK 25 million in H1 2009 comprising primarily
profits from the sale of assets in Poland and impairment of these assets,
expenses and impairment losses related to the completion of the production and
distribution structure change in Denmark as well as expenses for redundancy
schemes, including for structural and organisational adjustments in Poland and
Denmark (see Company Announcement No 2/2009 of 26 February 2009). 
Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) increased
by DKK 30 million amounting to DKK 139 million compared to DKK 109 million in

Earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) amounted to DKK 62 million compared to
DKK 29 million in 2008. 

Income from investments in associates increased by DKK 6 million to DKK 13
million. All associates saw improved results in H1 2009. 

The Group's net financial expenses amounted to DKK 53 million as in 2008. The
unchanged net expenses comprise higher net interest expenses offset by exchange
gains of some DKK 20 million. The higher interest expenses were partly due to
the higher net interest-bearing debt in 2009 and partly to higher interest
rates and expenses related to the agreement for credit facilities entered into
with the primary bankers in Q1 2009. 

The profit before tax amounted to DKK 23 million compared to a loss of DKK 16
million in H1 2008. 

Consolidated profit (after tax) amounted to DKK 17 million, a DKK 29 million
improvement on the loss of DKK 12 million realised in 2008. Tax on the profit
for the period is in 2009 positively affected by an adjustment relating to
prior year. 


Western Europe

Western Europe	2009	2008	 % change
Sales (thousand hectolitres)	1,648	1,841	-11
Net revenue (mDKK)	1,228	1,264	-3
Operating profit
(before special items) (mDKK)	
Profit margin (%)	8.5	6.7	
EBIT (mDKK)	89.4	50.5	77
EBIT margin (%)	7.3	4.0	

The Western Europe segment comprises the markets for beer and soft drinks in
Denmark and the Nordic coun-tries as well as in Germany and Italy. In H1 2009,
Western Europe accounted for 50% of total sales and 64% of net revenue (2008:
50% and 61%, respectively). 

The Group won market shares on branded products in Denmark and on the key
brand, Ceres Strong Ale, in Italy in H1 2009. However, the markets were
affected by the economic decline and declining consumption, and sales and
revenue were 11% and 3%, respectively, below the 2008 figures. The termination
of unprofitable private label supply agreements accounted for 8 percentage
points of the sales reduction and for all of the revenue reduction. 

The operating profit increased by DKK 20 million to DKK 105 million positively
affected by higher net selling prices per unit as well as cost savings and
negatively affected by the lower sales. 

EBIT was negatively affected by ”special items” of DKK 15 million net,
primarily due to expenses relating to the business reorganisation in Denmark as
well as completion of the production and distribution structure reorganisation
in Denmark initiated in 2008. The impact of these measures will be fully felt
during H2 2009. 

Western Europe	Actual H1 2009	Growth over 2008
	Net revenue
(mDKK)	Sales
hectolitres)	Net revenue (%)	Sales (%)
Denmark	583	720	-7	-16
Italy	364	248	2	-2
Germany	268	643	4	-4
Nordic countries	13	                 37	-47	-43
Other markets *)	0	0	0	0
Total Western Europe	1,228	1,648	-3	-11

*) The beer sales operations in France have as of 2009 been combined with the
malt drinks sales operations in France. Therefore, segment reporting has been
changed in accordance with IFRS 8 to the effect that as of 2009 beer sales in
France are reported under the segment Malt and Overseas Markets. Comparative
figures for 2008 have been restated accordingly. 
It is estimated that total branded beer sales in Denmark decreased by some 7%
in H1 2009, whereas soft drinks sales were reduced by some 9%. 

The development in Royal Unibrew's total sales in H1 2009 was affected by the
earlier closure of the Maribo brewery and the termination of unprofitable
supply agreements concerning private labels in H1 2009. Adjusting for these
reductions in the Company's sales, sales were 4% lower whereas net revenue in
H1 2009 was almost 2% lower than in 2008. In H1, sales shifted partly from the
Horeca sector towards the retail sector and partly towards sales units with
higher volumes of soft drinks.  Royal Unibrew's market shares were increased in
H1 both for branded beer and for soft drinks. 

Price increases were introduced in Denmark in early 2009. 

The Egekilde brand range was extended with the introduction of a new taste
In Italy sales of Royal Unibrew's key brand, Ceres Strong Ale, increased in H1
by some 3% in a market declining by just above 2%, whereas sales of products
with a lower market value were below those of H1 2008. Accordingly, Royal
Unibrew's net revenue increased by 2% in spite of a 2% sales reduction. Royal
Unibrew realised the planned price increases. Royal Unibrew's sales in Italy in
H1 2009 are considered to have been affected by the rebuilding of inventories,
and the Ceres Strong Ale market share is estimated to have increased both in
the Horeca sector and in the retail sector. 

Also in the German market (including cross-border trade), the Group's net
revenue increased in spite of decreasing sales. Royal Unibrew's branded product
sales increased, which, combined with price increases introduced, resulted in
total revenue in H1 2009 being 4% higher than in 2008. 

Eastern Europe

Eastern Europe 	2009	2008	 % change
Sales (thousand hectolitres)	1,369	1,623	-16
Net revenue (mDKK)	464	575	-19
Operating loss
(before special items) (mDKK)	
Profit margin (%)	2.9	2.4	
EBIT (mDKK)	(15.3)	(13.8)	-11
EBIT margin (%)	-3.3	-2.4	

The Eastern Europe segment comprises the markets for beer, fruit juices and
soft drinks in Latvia, Lithuania and Poland. In H1 2009, Eastern Europe
accounted for 42% of group sales and 24% of net revenue (2008: 43% and 28%,

The markets in the segment were in 2009 affected by the reduction in beverages
consumption which in the case of Latvia and Poland occurred in 2008 and which
was seen in Lithuania too in Q1 2009. Sales declined by 16% and net revenue in
the segment was reduced by 19% including 7 percentage points caused by the
negative PLN rate development. 

In spite of the significant sales and revenue reduction, operating profit
before ”special items” showed a DKK 0.5 million improvement on H1 2008 since,
as a result of great focus on adjusting the capacity basis, significant cost
savings were realised. 

EBIT was negatively affected by ”special items” of DKK 2 million in H1 relating
to, among other things, reor-ganisation in Poland and the Baltic countries. 

Eastern Europe	Actual H1 2009	Growth over 2008
	Net revenue
(mDKK)	Sales
 hectolitres)	Net revenue (%)	Sales (%)
Lithuania	175	410	-7	-6
Latvia	146	450	-23	-28
Poland	142	507	-25	-6
Other markets	1	2	-85	-88
Total Eastern Europe	464	1,369	-19	-16

In Lithuania the total beer market decline is estimated at more than 6% in H1
2009, whereas the total decline in the fruit juice market is estimated at some
23%. In H1, Kalnapilio-Tauro Grupe continued to increase its market shares on
both beer and fruit juices and measured by both value and volumes. 

In H1 2009, price increases were introduced in Lithuania, and the Tauras brand
was strengthened by launching the products in profile bottles. The total
product portfolio was strengthened through the introduction of a cider range. 

The operating profit before special items in Lithuania in H1 2009 was
significantly above expectations and an improvement on 2008. 

In Latvia it is estimated that the fruit juice, nectar and still drinks segment
declined by some 25% in H1 2009, whereas total beer consumption is estimated at
an approximate 5% decline. In 2009, Royal Unibrew's still drinks market share
increased, whereas the market shares for fruit juices and branded beer were

In 2009, price increases were introduced for most product categories.
Furthermore, a cider range was launched. 

In spite of the substantial sales and revenue decline, operating profit for H1
2009 showed a significant improve-ment on 2008 and on expectations. Significant
reductions of the cost base were realised in Latvia. 

In Poland national beer consumption is estimated at an approximate 8% decline
in H1 2009 from the same period of last year caused partly by an increase of
beer duties. Royal Unibrew's sales and revenue decreased by 6% and 25%,
respectively. Adjusted for the negative PLN rate development, the revenue
decline represents only 4%. 

The operating profit before special items for H1 was as expected but continues
to be unsatisfactory. 

Malt and Overseas Markets 

Malt and Overseas Markets	2009	2008	 % change
Sales (thousand hectolitres)	251	292	-14
Net revenue (mDKK)	221	238	-7
Operating profit
(before special items) (mDKK)	
Profit margin (%)	7.0	7.6	
EBIT (mDKK)	12.1	18.0	-33
EBIT margin (%)	5.5	7.6	

The Malt and Overseas Markets segment comprises the Group's breweries and
distribution company in the Car-ibbean, the export and licence business for
malt drinks as well as beer and soft drinks exports to other markets. In H1
2009, Malt and Overseas Markets accounted for 8% of total sales and 12% of net
revenue of the Group (2008: 7% and 11%). Net revenue was positively affected by
some DKK 10 million, net by the development in the USD and GBP rates. 

Malt and Overseas Markets
	Actual H1 2009	Growth over 2008
	Net revenue
(mDKK)	Sales
 hectolitres)	Net revenue (%)	Sales (%)
The Caribbean	139	123	4	-9
The UK	14	18	-59	-44
Africa	29	52	-6	-16
Other markets	39	58	-9	-11
Total Malt and Overseas Mar-kets	221	251	-7	-14

Developments in the Caribbean continued to be affected by the general economic
crisis. Increasing unemployment rates, declining tourism and fewer money
transfers from relatives residing in the USA resulted in declining sales in the
local markets. While Vitamalt product sales therefore did not live up to
expectations in H1 2009, the earnings of the three brewery subsidiaries in the
region, viewed on an aggregated basis, were above expectations as a result of
efficiency enhancing measures implemented. In spite of a general strike in the
main part of Q1, net revenue of the Group's distribution companies in
Guadeloupe and Martinique was at the H1 2008 level, and earnings showed
significant improvement on 2008 and on expectations. 

In the UK sales and revenue were negatively affected by significant inventory
reductions with a major customer. Moreover, revenue was negatively affected by
some DKK 2 million due to the low GBP rate. 

The other markets in the segment realised lower sales than expected primarily
due to the global economy, the Group's increased focus on credit granting and
the reduction of inventories in the supply chain. 

Earnings in the segment, primarily profit before ”special items”, were DKK 2.5
million below the H1 2008 figure including a net positive effect of some DKK
1.5 million from the development in the USD and GBP rates. 

As announced in Company Announcement No 12/2009 of 31 March 2009, the Company's
Supervisory Board de-cided to cancel the share option programme entered into
for the period 2008-2010 applying to the Executive Board and some 20 executives
as from 2008 to the effect that the grants for the 2008 financial year and
grants for the 2009 and 2010 financial years lapse. 

After this, the following share options remain unexercised from previous share
option programmes: 

Granted	Total number
 unexercised	Number held by Executive Board	Exercise price	Exercise period
Re 2004	8,080	2,092	478	4/2008 - 4/2010
Re 2005	15,832	2,462	 648	4/2009 - 4/2011
Re 2006	16,172	2,756	 695	4/2010 - 4/2012
Re 2007	12,362	2,231	 510	4/2011 - 4/2013
Granted 2008 re Strategic Plan	
4/2011 - 4/2013
Total	72,906	11,772		

The market value of the unexercised options is estimated at DKK 0.1 million
under the Black-Scholes formula. The Company's obligations under the option
programmes are covered by the Company's portfolio of treasury shares (106,674

Royal Unibrew's balance sheet total amounted to DKK 4,018 million at 30 June
2009, which matches the level at the end of 2008. 

Group equity amounted to DKK 553 million at the end of June 2009 and was in all
material respects affected only by the negative comprehensive income of DKK 23
million - comprising the profit of DKK 17 million for the pe-riod, negative
exchange adjustments of the Group's foreign group enterprises of DKK 14 million
as well as a negative development in the value of currency and interest rate
hedging instruments of DKK 26 million. The eq-uity ratio represented 13.5%
compared to 14.2% at the end of 2008. 

Free cash flow for H1 amounted to DKK 49 million compared to a negative DKK 142
million in H1 2008. Due to the peak season in the summer months, cash flow is
traditionally negatively affected by an increasing net work-ing capital. 

Cash flows from operating activities (before financial income and expenses and
tax) amounted to DKK 207 mil-lion, which was a DKK 120 million improvement on
H1 2008, whereas net interest and corporation tax paid to-gether affected cash
flows positively by DKK 38 million as compared to 2008. Overall, cash flows
from operating activities totalling DKK 143 million showed a DKK 158 million
improvement on 2008. 

Gross investments amounted to DKK 146 million, which is some DKK 26 million
below the 2008 figure. The pro-ceeds from assets sold amounted to some DKK 40
million primarily relating to the Polish brewery in Koszalin. 

Investments in receivables and inventories were increased by DKK 118 million in
the period (2008: DKK 321 mil-lion), whereas trade payables and other debt
increased by DKK 177 million (2008: DKK 272 million - affected by investment
creditors). On a total basis, net working capital was, as a result of focus on
minimising working capi-tal investments, reduced by DKK 58 million in H1 2009
in spite of the season (2008: increased by DKK 50 mil-lion). 

As announced in the Announcement of Annual Results for 2008, Royal Unibrew has
entered into an agreement with its primary bankers that for the next two years
(until 31 March 2011) they will make available to the Group the credit
facilities considered necessary by the Group based on plans and budgets. 

The credit lines provided by the agreement with the banks have been adjusted to
the seasonal fluctuations in the Group's capital requirements. At 30 June 2009,
the credit line amounts to DKK 2.75 billion, DKK 600 million of which is
unutilised. At the end of 2009, the credit line will be reduced to DKK 2.5
billion of which not more than some DKK 2.0 billion is expected to be utilised.
For 2010, the funding agreement requires reduction of the credit line from DKK
2.5 billion to DKK 2.0 billion during H2. 

Due to the cash flow development in H1 2009, which was above expectations, the
Group will constantly consider a reduction of the committed, unutilised
facilities (at 30 June 2009 some DKK 600 million). 

The funding agreement includes a number of covenants which are measured
quarterly: EBITDA, the ratio of net interest bearing debt to EBITDA, solvency
ratio, investments and cash flow targets. Based on the Group's plans and
budgets, it is estimated that the Group will be able to comply with the agreed
covenants. At the end of H1 2009, the target achievement was better than that
required by the agreed covenants. Based on the estimated de-velopments in H2
2009, the agreed covenants will also be met by the end of 2009 with
satisfactory margins. 

The credit commitment by the banks is based on the condition that the Company
pay no dividend and buy back no shares. 

The Group will continue its focus on freeing as much cash as possible through
reduction of investments in net working capital and by maintaining a reasonably
low investment level. 

At the same time, as previously mentioned, all relevant options will be
considered to strengthen the Company's financial standing and to ensure an
appropriate financial structure. 

The Group's results for H1 2009 showed improvement on the results for the
corresponding period of last year and were also above expectations. 

The estimate at the end of H1 2009 is that the negative growth rate has been
diminishing in several of the Group's markets compared to the same period of
2008, but general developments continue to be subject to great uncertainty, and
several markets are seeing declining demand. 

Royal Unibrew's total sales and revenue will decrease from 2008 due to the
generally declining demand. In H1 2009, the Royal Unibrew Group increased or
maintained its market shares in most main markets, and these positions are
expected to be maintained or strengthened in the coming quarters. 

The selling price increases planned for 2009 were realised in Q1. In Q2,
intensified price competition has been seen in several markets in Northern

The reorganisation of the Danish production structure and distribution system
as well as the initiatives implemented in Poland and Denmark will continue to
contribute towards increasing the Group's profitability. The full impact will
be realised during H2 2009. These circumstances as well as dynamic adjustment
of the cost base in relation to market developments especially in the Baltic
countries will result in an increasing profit margin (operating profit before
“special items”) as compared to last year. 

It is estimated that operating profit before ”special items” for 2009 will be
at the level of DKK 170-210 million (previous expectation: in excess of DKK 135
million), whereas net financial expenses are now estimated at DKK 125-135
million (previous expectation: DKK 145-165 million) primarily due to improved
cash flows and gains on an exchange rate contract. 

”Special items” are still expected to represent an expense of some DKK 35
million in 2009 primarily attributable to reorganisation in Denmark and Poland. 

The effective tax rate for EBIT is expected to be some 30% and the rate for
financial expenses is expected to be some 13% (previous expectation: 38% for
EBIT and 12% for financials). 

Gross investments for the year are still expected to amount to some DKK 250
million and impairment losses for the year to some DKK 215 million. 
Based on the cash flow improvements achieved in H1, net interest-bearing debt
at the end of 2009 is expected to amount to some DKK 2 billion, which is lower
than the previous expectation and some DKK 150 million lower than at the
beginning of the year without taking into account the sale of the Caribbean
breweries. Due to this de-velopment as well as the earnings improvement
mentioned above, a satisfactory margin to the financial ratios (covenants)
included in the Group's funding agreement is still expected. 

The statements about the future made in the H1 Report 2009 reflect Management's
expectations in respect of fu-ture events and financial results, as well as of
economic trends in key markets and developments in international money, foreign
exchange and interest rate markets. Statements about the future will inherently
involve uncer-tainty and may be affected by - in addition to global economic
conditions - market-driven price reductions, mar-ket acceptance of new
products, packaging and container types, unforeseen termination of working
relationships and changes to regulatory aspects (taxes, environment,
packaging), etc. The actual results may therefore deviate from the expectations

Royal Unibrew is a party to a limited number of legal actions. These legal
actions are not expected to have any material impact on the financial position
of Royal Unibrew. 

As mentioned in Company Announcement No 23/2009 of 12 August 2009, Royal
Unibrew has entered into a con-ditional agreement with the Cerveceria National
Dominicana (CND) brewery in the Dominican Republic to sell its shares of the
breweries in Antigua, Dominica and St. Vincent to CND. 

The total consideration for Royal Unibrew's shares amounts to USD 31 million
(some DKK 160 million). More-over, the purchasers will take over the debts of
the companies. On an aggregated basis, the transaction will re-duce Royal
Unibrew's interest-bearing debt by just below DKK 200 million. The net
realisable value of the shares is at the level of their carrying amount. 

On a translated basis, the enterprise value (EV; 100%) of the companies sold
amounts to some USD 44 million (some DKK 255 million), whereas the Group's
EBITDA (100%) will be reduced by some DKK 30 million through the sale. 

The Group's malt brand Vitamalt will continue to be produced on licence by the
breweries sold, and CND will commence licence production and sale of Vitamalt
in the Dominican Republic. 

The agreements with CND are subject to, among other things, approval by the
government in Antigua as well as to obtaining acceptance from certain licensors
of the change of ownership. The transaction is expected to be clo-sed towards
the end of 2009. Consequently, the transaction is not expected to affect the
Group's earnings (EBIT) in 2009. 

After 17 years with the Royal Unibrew Group, Ulrik Sørensen, CFO, has requested
retirement at the end of 2010 in continuation of his sixtieth birthday in 2010.
With a view to ensuring the necessary continuity, a search for a new CFO will
be initiated. In connection with the new CFO joining - foreseeably around year
end 2009/2010 - Ulrik Sørensen will withdraw from the Company's Executive
Board. Up until the date of his retirement, Ulrik Sørensen will - in addition
to the work of transferring his responsibilities to the new CFO and assisting
as re-quired - solve special assignments for the Executive Board, including the
sale of the Ceres property. 

Announcements of financial results:
6 November 2009	Q3 Report 2009

General meeting: 
27 April 2010		Annual General Meeting in Odense

Announcements of financial results:
5 March 2010		Announcement of Annual Results 2009
27 April 2010		Q1 Report 2010
26 August 2010	H1 Report 2010
25 November 2010	Q3 Report 2010

23 February 2009	01/2009	Major shareholder information pursuant to section 29
of the Danish Securities Trading Act 
26 February 2009	02/2009	Announcement of Annual Results for 2008 
11 March 2009	03/2009	Reporting according to the Danish Securities Trading Act
section 28a 
12 March 2009	04/2009	Reporting according to the Danish Securities Trading Act
section 28a 
19 March 2009	05/2009	Major shareholder information pursuant to section 29 of
the Danish Securities Trading Act 
23 March 2009	06/2009	Reporting according to the Danish Securities Trading Act
section 28a 
25 March 2009	07/2009	Reporting according to the Danish Securities Trading Act
section 28a 
26 March 2009	08/2009	Reporting according to the Danish Securities Trading Act
section 28a 
27 March 2009	09/2009	Royal Unibrew Polska Sp. z o.o. accelerates the divesture
of the brewery in  Koszalin 
30 March 2009	10/2009	Reporting according to the Danish Securities Act section
31 March 2009	11/2009	Major shareholder information pursuant to section 29 of
the Danish Securities Trading Act 
31 March 2009	12/2009	Cancellation of the Share Option Programme
1 April 2009	13/2009	Major shareholder information pursuant to section 29 of
the Danish Securities Trading Act 
8 April 2009	14/2009	Major shareholder information pursuant to section 29 of
the Danish Securities Trading Act 
15 April 2009	15/2009	Annual General Meeting - notice of meeting
29 April 2009	16/2009	Q1 Report 2009
29 April 2009	17/2009	Annual General Meeting 2009
25 May 2009	18/2009	Major shareholder information pursuant to section 29 of the
Danish Securities Trading Act 
27 May 2009	19/2009	Major shareholder information pursuant to section 29 of the
Danish Securities Trading Act 
29 May 2009	20/2009	Major shareholder information pursuant to section 29 of the
Danish Securities Trading Act 
29 May 2009	21/2009	Major shareholder information pursuant to section 29 of the
Danish Securities Trading Act 
2 June 2009	22/2009	Royal Unibrew's sale of the Polish brewery in Koszalin
12 August 2009	23/2009	Royal Unibrew enters into agreement to sell Caribbean

The Executive and Supervisory Boards have presented the H1 Report of Royal
Unibrew A/S. The H1 Report has today been considered and adopted. 

The H1 Report, which has not been audited or reviewed by the Company's
auditors, was prepared in accordance with IAS 34 “Interim Financial Reporting”
as adopted by the EU and additional Danish disclosure requirements for listed

We consider the accounting policies applied appropriate and the accounting
estimates made reasonable, and, in our opinion, the H1 Report provides the
information relevant to assess the financial circumstances of the Group and the
Parent Company. Accordingly, in our opinion, the H1 Report gives a true and
fair view of the financial position of the Group as well as of the results of
the Group operations and cash flows for the period 1 January - 30 June 2009. 

In our Opinion, Management's Review gives a true and fair view of the
development in the activities and finan-cial circumstances of the Group, of
results of operations for the period and of the overall financial position of
the enterprises comprised by the Consolidated Financial Statements, and a
description of the key risks and uncer-tainties facing them. 

Faxe, 25 August 2009

Executive Board

Henrik Brandt

Ulrik Sørensen	Hans Savonije
CFO	Executive Director	

Supervisory Board

Steen Weirsøe	Tommy Pedersen
Chairman 	Deputy Chairman

Ulrik Bülow 		Erik Christensen	Erik Højsholt

Allan Meier Jensen	Kirsten Liisberg	Hemming Van
		1/1 - 30/6 2009		1/1 - 30/6 2008		1/4 - 30/6 2009		1/4 - 30/6 2008		1/1 -
31/12 2008 
Revenue		2,238,178		2,453,561		1,341,527		1,460,120		4,918,600
Beer and mineral water
excises		(325,273)		(373,872)		(196,267)		(218,740)		(739,897) 
Net revenue		1,912,905		2,079,689		1,145,260		1,241,380		4,178,703
Production costs		(1,096,169)		(1,198,217)		(632,143)		(691,067)		(2,433,298)
Gross profit		816,736		881,472		513,117		550,313		1,745,405
						0		0		
Sales and distribution
expenses		(619,727)		(699,493)		(341,153)		(392,369)		(1,387,543) 
Administrative expenses		(111,590)		(120,034)		(57,890)		(59,996)		(226,844)
Other operating income		1,462		1,392		737		458		3,835
Operating profit before special items		86,881		63,337		114,811		98,406		134,853
Special items	4	(24,780)		(33,939)		(8,274)		(1,344)		(50,125)
Impairment losses		0		0		0		0		(384,957)
Profit/(loss) before financial income and
ex-penses		62,101		29,398		106,537		97,062		(300,229) 
Income after tax from investments in										
associates		13,469		7,128		13,562		11,653		22,654
Impairment losses										(70,104)
Financial income		29,927		2,856		3,482		352		33,899
Financial expenses		(82,589)		(55,715)		(56,605)		(29,639)		(139,185)
Profit/(loss) before tax		22,908		(16,333)		66,976		79,428		(452,965)
Tax on the loss for the period	5	(6,000)		4,500		(15,500)		(23,000)		(30,200)
Profit/(loss) for the period		16,908		(11,833)		51,476		56,428		(483,165)
distributed as follows:										
Parent Company shareholders' share of loss for the
period		16,268		(11,831)		50,772		56,502		(484,333) 
Minority shareholders' share of profit/loss for the
period		640		(2)		704		(74)		1,168 
Profit/(loss) for the period		16,908		(11,833		51,476		56,428		(483,165)
Parent Company shareholders' share of earn-ings per share
(DKK)	6	3.0		(2.1)		9.3		10.3		(89.0) 
Parent Company shareholders' share of diluted earnings per share
(DKK)	6	3.0		(2.1)		9.3		10.3		(89.0) 
Comprehensive income										
Revaluation of project development properties		0		0		0 		0 		240,000
Value and exchange adjustment of foreign group
enterprises		(14,352)		4,016		(17,912)		8,348 		(99,434) 
Value adjustment of hedging instruments		(25,738)		36,247		(2,415)		49,070
Tax on equity entries		0		(7,327)		0 		(9,954)		(56,315)
Net gains recognised directly on
equity		(40,090)		32,936		(20,327)		47,464		35,906 
Profit/(loss) for the period		16,908		(11,833)		51,476		56,428		(483,165)
Comprehensive income		(23,182)		21,103		31,149		103,892		(447,259)


				30/6 2009		30/6 2008		31/12 2008
Goodwill				314,851		506,597		311,275
Trademarks				167,143		283,977		167,885
Distribution rights				6,505		7,855		7,186
Intangible assets 				488,499		798,429		486,346
Land and buildings				719,484		827,597		643,363
Project development properties				400,522		0		400,000
Plant and machinery				691,541		525,925		529,291
Other fixtures and fittings, tools and equip-ment				226,195		227,545		214,997
Property, plant and equipment in progress				67,271		188,603		291,787
Property, plant and equipment				2,105,013		1,769,670		2,079,438
Investments in associates				92,157		230,398		87,650
Receivables from associates		0		25,375		20,634
Other investments				53,169		3,054		56,900
Other receivables				8,623		12,711		11,939
Financial assets				153,949		271,538		177,123
Non-current assets				2,747,461		2,839,637		2,742,907
Raw materials and consumables				118,941		196,867		122,194
Work in progress				28,465		35,437		27,177
Finished goods and purchased finished goods				201,415		220,804		265,302
Inventories				348,821		453,108		414,673
Trade receivables 				653,847		771,395		541,566
Receivables from associates				767		1,695		1,008
Corporation tax receivable				46,101		0		37,667
Other receivables				83,303		70,432		76,012
Prepayments				113,763		52,601		147,191
Receivables				897,781		896,123		803,444
Cash at bank and in hand				92,545		96,279		90,384
Current assets				1,339,147		1,445,510		1,308,501
Assets				4,086,608		4,285,147		4,051,408

				30/6 2009		30/6 2008		31/12 2008
Share capital		7 		56,000		59,000		56,000
Revaluation reserves				180,000		0		180,000
Translation reserve				(111,523)		4,417		(102,279)
Hedging reserve				(60,341)		37,177		(34,603)
Retained earnings				437,689		914,712		925,121
Proposed dividend				0		0		0
Profit/(loss) for the period				16,268		(11,831)		(484,333)
Equity of Parent Company shareholders				518,093		1,003,475		539,906
Minority interests				35,282		37,312		34,922
Equity				553,375		1,040,787		574,828
Deferred tax				174,797		135,732		179,378
Mortgage debt				734,723		749,234		734,655
Credit institutions				1,496,486		1,013,280		968,887
Non-current liabilities 				2,406,006		1,898,246		1,882,920
Mortgage debt				0		953		0
Credit institutions				0		334,047		599,336
Repurchase obligation, returnable packaging				64,566		78,078		74,056
Trade payables				569,426		664,210		523,175
Corporation tax				0		10,288		0
VAT, excise duties, etc				186,959		109,882		61,439
Other payables				306,276		148,656		335,654
Current liabilities				1,127,227		1,346,114		1,593,660
Liabilities				3,533,233		3,244,360		3,476,580
Liabilities and equity				4,086,608		4,285,147		4,051,408

	Share capi-tal	Revaluation re-serves	Transla-tion re-serve	Hedging
re-serve	Retained earnings	Proposed dividend for the year	Minority share	Total 
Equity at 1 January 2008	59,000	0	(7,694)	10,057	960,411	59,000	38,689	1,119,463
Value and exchange adjustment of foreign group
en-terprises			10,027		(4,636)		(1,375)	4,016 
Tax on value and exchange adjustment					1,800			1,800
Value adjustment of hedging instruments, end of pe-riod				49,690				49,690
Reversal of value adjustment of hedging instru-ments, beginning of
period				(13,443)				(13,443) 
Tax on hedging instruments	 		 	(9,127)	 	 	 	(9,127)
Net gains recognised directly in
equity	0	0	10,027	27,120	(2,836)	0	(1,375)	32,936 
Profit/(loss) for the period					(11,831)		(2)	(11,833)
Comprehensive income	0	0	10,027	27,120	(14,667)	0	(1,377)	21,103
Minority shares of acquired businesses								0
Dividend distributed to shareholders						(54,901)		(54,901)
Dividend on treasury shares					4,099	(4,099)		0
Acquisition of shares for treasury					(46,244)			(46,244)
Sale of treasury shares					1,551			1,551
Share-based payment					(185)			(185)
Total shareholders	0	0	0	0	(40,779)	(59,000)	0	(99,779)
Total equity movements 1/1-30/6
2008	0	0	10,027	27,120	(55,446)	(59,000)	(1,377)	(78,676) 
Equity at 30 June 2008	59,000	0	2,333	37,177	904,965	0	37,312	1,040,787


	Share capital	Revaluation reserves	Translation re-serve	Hedging
re-serve	Retained earnings	Proposed dividend for the year	Minority share	Total 
Equity at 1 January
2009	56,000	180,000	(102,279)	(34,603)	440,788	0	34,922	574,828 
Value and exchange adjustment of foreign group
en-terprises			(9,244)		(4,828)		(280)	(14,352) 
Tax on value and exchange adjustment								0
Value adjustment of hedging instruments, end of pe-riod				(60,341)				(60,341)
Reversal of value adjustment of hedging instru-ments, beginning of
period				34,603				34,603 
Tax on hedging instruments	 	 	 	0	 	 	 	0
Net gains recognised directly in
equity	0	0	(9,244)	(25,738)	(4,828)	0	(280)	(40,090) 
Profit/(loss) for the period					16,268		640	16,908
Comprehensive income	0	0	(9,244)	(25,738)	11,440	0	360	(23,182)
Share-based payment	0	0	0	0	1,729	0	0	1,729
Total shareholders	0	0	0	0	1,729	0	0	1,729
Total equity movements 1/1-30/6 2009	0	0	(9,244)	(25,738)	13,169	0	360	(21,453)
Equity at 30 June
2009	56,000	180,000	(111,523)	(60,341)	453,957	0	35,282	553,375 
				1/1 - 30/6 2009		1/1 - 30/6 2008
Profit/(loss) for the period				16,908	 	(11,833)
Adjustments for non-cash operating items		8 		131,497		148,058
				148,405		136,225
Change in working capital:						
 +/- change in receivables				(181,896)		(219,813)
 +/- change in inventories				63,523		(101,594)
 +/- change in payables				176,613		271,664
Cash flows from operating activities before finan-cial income and
expenses				206,645		86,482 
Financial income				69,042		2,824
Financial expenses 				(111,104)		(58,834)
Cash flows from ordinary activities				164,583		30,472
Corporation tax paid				(22,056)		(45,992)
Cash flows from operating activities				142,527		(15,520)
Dividend received from associates				12,485		14,984
Sale of property, plant and equipment				39,877		30,434
Purchase of property, plant and equipment				(146,020)		(171,875)
Free cash flow				48,869		(141,977)
Acquisition of subsidiaries		8 		0		(126,546)
Acquisition of intangible and financial assets			21,669		(2,923)
Cash flows from investing activities				(71,989)		(255,926)
Proceeds from raising of non-current debt				0		180,362
Repayment of non-current debt				0		(574)
Change in current debt to credit institutions				(67,230)		130,823
Dividend paid				0		(54,901)
Acquisition of shares for treasury				0		(46,244)
Sale of treasury shares				0		1,551
Cash flows from financing activities				(67,230)		211,017
Change in cash and cash equivalents				3,308		(60,429)
Cash and cash equivalents at 1 January				90,384		157,832
Exchange adjustment				(1,147)		(1,124)
Cash and cash equivalents at 30 June				92,545		96,279


Note 1  Significant Accounting Policies

The H1 Report is presented in accordance with IAS 34 “Interim Financial
Reporting” as adopted by the EU and additional Danish disclosure requirements
for interim financial reporting of listed companies. 

Except for the implementation of the amended IFRS 2 (Share-based Payment), IFRS
8 (Segment Reporting) and IAS 23R (Borrowing Costs), the accounting policies
are unchanged from those applied in the Annual Report for 2008, to which
reference is made. Only IAS 23R affects the financial statements as compared to
the previous recognition and measurement as well as note disclosures. 

The implementation of IAS 23R, under which borrowing costs relating to own
construction of non-current as-sets are to be capitalised, has affected results
(financial expenses) for the period and the value of property, plant and
equipment in progress positively by some DKK 4 million (2008: some DKK 1
million.) as compared to the accounting policy previously applied. The
recognition for prior periods has not been adjusted. 

Except for the above description relating to the implementation of IAS 23R, the
Annual Report for 2008 pro-vides a total description of accounting policies
significant to the financial statements. 

Note 2  Accounting Estimates and Judgements

The preparation of interim financial reporting requires that Management make
accounting estimates and judgements which affect the application of accounting
policies and recognised assets, liabilities, income and expenses. Actual
results may deviate from these estimates. 

The key estimates made by Management in applying the Group's accounting
policies and the key uncertain-ties relating to the estimates are the same when
preparing the interim financial reporting as when preparing the Annual Report
at 31 December 2008. 

The estimates made at 30 June 2009 of the fair value of project development
properties and securities did not give rise to changing the fair values
recognised at 31 December 2008. 

Note 3     Segment Reporting															
The Group's activities break down as follows on segments (mDKK):									
1/1 - 31/3 2009			1/1 - 31/3 2008
Western Europe		Eastern Europe		Malt & Overseas
Markets		Unallocated		Total			Western Europe		Eastern Europe		Malt & Overseas
Markets		Unallocated		Total 
491.3		180.8		95.5				767.6		Net revenue	508.4		228.8		101.1				838.3
0.1		(18.2)		2.1		(12.0)		(28.0)		Operating
profit/(loss)	(3.0)		(22.3)		1.9		(11.7)		(35.1) 
(8.4)		(4.7)		(3.4)				(16.5)		Special items	(32.6)								(32.6)
(8.3)		(22.9)		(1.3)		(12.0)		(44.5)		Earnings before interest and tax
(EBIT)	(35.6)		(22.3)		1.9		(11.7)		(67.7) 
(1.6)		0.0		1.5				(0.1		Share of income from
associates	(2.2)		(3.2)		0.9				(4.5) 
(0.8)		(5.5)		1.8		5.0		0.5		Other financial income and
expenses	(0.2)		(2.3)		0.2		(21.3)		(23.6) 
(10.7)		(28.4)		2.0		(7.0)		(44.1)		Profit/(loss) before tax for the
period	(38.0)		(27.8)		3.0		(33.0)		(95.8) 
						9.5		9.5		Tax on the profit/(loss) for the period							27.5		27.5
								(34.6)		Profit/(loss) for the period									(68.3)
0.0%	 	-10.1%	 	2.2%	 	 	 	-3.6%	 	Profit margin	-0.6%	 	-9.7%	 	1.9%	 	 	
1/4 - 30/6 2009			1/4 - 30/6 2008
Western Europe		Eastern Europe		Malt & Overseas
Markets		Unallocated		Total			Western Europe		Eastern Europe		Malt & Overseas
Markets		Unallocated		Total 
736.4		283.8		125.1				1,145.3		Net revenue	758.2		346.2		137.0				1.241.4
104.7		4.9		13.4		(8.1)		114.9		Operating
profit/(loss)	87.4		8.5		16.1		(13.6)		98.4 
(7.0)		2.7		0.0		(4.0)		(8.3)		Special items	(1.3)								(1.3)
97.7		7.6		13.4		(12.1)		106.6		Earnings before interest and tax
(EBIT)	86.1		8.5		16.1		(13.6)		97.1 
12.9		0.0		0.7				13.6		Share of income from associates	9.0		1.6		1.0				11.6
(0.9)		(15.4)		(2.1)		(34.8)		(53.2)		Other financial income and
expenses	(0.6)		(8.7)		(0.5)		(19.4)		(29.2) 
109.7		(7.8)		12.0		(46.9)		67.0		Profit/(loss) before tax for the
period	94.5		1.4		16.6		(33.0)		79.5 
						(15.5)		(15.5)		Tax on the profit/(loss) for the
period							(23.0)		(23.0) 
								51.5		Profit/(loss) for the period									56.5
14.2%	 	1.7%	 	10.7%	 	 	 	10.0%	 	Profit margin	11.5%	 	2.5%	 	11.8%	 	 	 	7.9%


Note 3     Segment Reporting															

1/1 - 30/6 2009			1/1 - 30/6 2008
Western Europe		Eastern Europe		Malt & Overseas
Markets		Unallocated		Total			Western Europe		Eastern Europe		Malt & Overseas
Markets		Unallocated		Total 
1,227.7		464.6		220.6		0.0		1,912.9		Net
revenue	1,266.6		575.0		238.1		0.0		2,079.7 
104.8		(13.3)		15.5		(20.1)		86.9		Operating
profit/(loss)	84.4		(13.8)		18.0		(25.3)		63.3 
(15.4)		(2.0)		(3.4)		(4.0)		(24.8)		Special items	(33.9)		0.0		0.0		0.0		(33.9)
89.4		(15.3)		12.1		(24.1)		62.1		Earnings before interest and tax
(EBIT)	50.5		(13.8)		18.0		(25.3)		29.4 
11.3		0.0		2.2		0.0		13.5		Share of income from
associates	6.8		(1.6)		1.9		0.0		7.1 
(1.7)		(20.9)		(0.3)		(29.8)		(52.7)		Other financial income and
expenses	(0.8)		(11.0)		(0.3)		(40.7)		(52.8) 
99.0		(36.2)		14.0		(53.9)		22.9		Profit/(loss) before tax for the
period	56.5		(26.4)		19.6		(66.0)		(16.3) 
						(6.0)		(6.0)		Tax on the profit/(loss) for the period							4.5		4.5
								16.9		Profit/(loss) for the period									(11.8)
8.5%	 	-2.9%	 	7.0%	 	 	 	4.5%	 	Profit margin	6.7%	 	-2.4%	 	7.6%	 	 	 	3.0%

Note 4 Special Items										

1/4 - 30/6		1/1 - 30/6
2008 		2009 		2009 		2008 
			Profit on sale of non-current assets			
		21,500	related to reorganisation	21,500		
0		21,500	Total special income	21,500		0
148		(6,973)	Expenses and value adjustment of assets related to reorganisation
in Denmark 	(15,385)		(32,991) 
(1,492)		(22,801)	Expenses and value adjustments of as-sets related to foreign
subsidiaries	(30,895)		(948) 
(1,344)		(29,774)	Total special expenses	(46,280)		(33,939)
(1,344)		(8,274)	Total special items	(24,780)		(33,939)



Note 5     Tax on the Profit for the Period
The tax expense for the period recognised in the income statement has been
calculated on the basis of the expected EBIT and the expected net interest
expenses of the Group in aggregate for 2009 with ef-fective tax rates of some
30% for EBIT and some 13% for net interest expenses, respectively (at 30 June
2008 a total effective tax rate of some 29%). The tax recognised includes an
income of DKK 7 million as an adjustment relating to prior year. 
In addition to the tax recognised in the income statement, a tax income of DKK
0k has been recog-nised directly in equity related to the equity entries for
the period (at 30 June 2008 an expense of DKK 9,127k and for the full year 2008
an expense of DKK 56,315k). 
Note 6     Basis of Calculation of Earnings and Cash Flow per Share		
	1/1 - 30/6 2009		1/1 - 30/6 2008
The Parent Company shareholders' share of profit for the year (DKK
‘000)	16,268		(11,831) 
The average number of treasury shares amounted to	106,674		393,718
The average number of shares in circulation amounted to	5,493,326		5,506,282
The average number of shares in circulation incl. share options "in-the-money"
amounted to	5,493,326		5,536,282 
Diluted earnings and cash flow per share have been calculated on the basis of
the Parent Company shareholders' share of loss for the period. 


Note 7    Treasury Shares					
Value of treasury shares held:					
	Parent Company		
	2009 		2008 		
Balance at 1 January	0		0		
Additions	0		46,244		
Disposals	0		(1,551)		
Transferred to equity. net	0		(44,693)		
Balance at 30 June	0		0		
Treasury shares held:					
	Number		Nom, 
value		% of 
Portfolio at 1 January 2008	316,847		3,168		5.4
Additions	93,374		934		1.6
Disposals	(3,547)		(35)		(0.1)
Cancelled upon reduction of capital	0		0		0.0
Portfolio at 30 June 2008	406,674		4,067		6.9
Portfolio at 1 January 2009	106,674		1,067		1.9
Additions	0		0		0.0
Disposals	0		0		0.0
Cancelled upon reduction of capital	0		0		0.0
Portfolio at 30 June 2009	106,674		1,067		1.9


Note 8   Cash Flow Statement

	1/1 - 30/6 2009		1/1 - 30/6 2008
Adjustments for non-cash operating items			
Financial income	(29,927)		(2,856)
Financial expenses	82,589		55,715
Amortisation, depreciation and impairment of intan-gible assets and property,
plant and equipment	96,152		97,329 
Tax on the profit/(loss) for the period	6,000		(4,500)
Income from investments in associates	(13,469)		(7,128)
Net profit/(loss)  from sale of property, plant and equipment	(21,039)		(4,320)
Share-based payments and remuneration	(631)		(185)
Other adjustments	11,822		14,003
Total	131,497		148,058
Acquisition of subsidiaries			
	1/1 - 30/6 2009		1/1 - 30/6 2008
Non-current assets			125,577
Current assets			969
Acquisition price	0		126,546


Note 9     Acquisitions					
No acquisitions were made in H1 2009.				
The following acquisitions were made in 2008:					
At 1 January 2008, Royal Unibrew A/S' subsidiary Lacpleasa Alus acquired assets
and activity of the Latvian brewery Livu Alus. Livu Alus markets, sells and
produces its own beer brand in Latvia, pri-marily in the Liepaja region. 
		Fair value at date of acquisition			
Intangible assets		6,419			
Property, plant and equipment		119,158			
Inventories		969			
Cash acquisition price		126,546	 		
including acquisition costs (consulting fees) of		1,022			
The carrying amounts prior to the acquisition are not available.			


	2009	2008	 2007	2006	2005
SALES (thousand hectolitres)	3,268.0 	3,756.0 	3,351.0	3,061.0	2,709.0 
Income Statement					
Net revenue	1,912.9	2,079.7	1,826.0	1,619.0	1,514.8
Operating profit before special items	86.9	63.3	55.8	60.6	65.5
Special items	(24.8)	(33.9)	0.0	0.0	0.0
Profit before financial income and expenses	62.1	29.4	55.8	60.6	65.5
Net financials	(39.2)	(45.7)	(18.3)	(14.7)	(11.8)
Profit/(loss) before tax	22.9	(16.3)	37.5	45.9	53.7
Consolidated profit/(loss)	16.9	(11.8)	41.2	35.3	51.2
Royal Unibrew A/S' share of profit/(loss)	16.3	(11.8)	40.3	34.4	51.6
Balance Sheet					
Total assets	4,086.6	4,285.1	3,927.9	3,317.6	3,130.6
Equity	553.4	1,040.8	1,103.9	1,087.9	1,061.5
Net interest-bearing debt	2,138.7	1,975.9	1,567.8	1,154.0	1,154.0
Free cash flow	48.9	(142.0)	(17.3)	(57.5)	(19.2)
Per share					
Royal Unibrew A/S' share of earnings per share (DKK)	3.0	(2.1)	7.0	5.5	8.0
Royal Unibrew A/S' diluted share of earnings per share
(DKK)	3.0	(2.1)	6.9	5.5	8.0 
Cash flow per share (DKK)	25.9	(2.8)	12.3	4.6	5.4
Diluted cash flow per share (DKK)	25.9	(2.8)	12.1	4.6	5.4
Key figures (mDKK)					
EBITDA	138.7	108.8	139.0	156.9	159.2
EBIT 	62.1	29.4	55.8	60.6	65.5
Key ratios (%)					
Profit margin	4.5	3.0	3.1	3.7	4.3
EBIT margin	3.2	1.4	3.1	3.7	4.3
Free cash flow as a percentage of net revenue	2.6	(6.8)	(0.9)	(3.6)	(1.3)
Equity ratio	13.5	24.3	28.1	32.8	33.9
Debt ratio	386.5	189.8	142.0	106.1	108.7


Net interest-bearing debt	Mortgage debt and debt to credit institutions less
cash at bank and in hand, interest-bearing current investments and receivables 
Free cash flow	Cash flow from operating activities less net investments in
property, plant and equipment and plus dividends from as-sociates 
Earnings per share (DKK)	Royal Unibrew A/S' share of the profit for the
year/number of shares in circulation 
Cash flow per share (DKK)	Cash flow from operating activities/number of shares
in cir-culation 
Diluted earnings and cash flow per share (DKK)	Royal Unibrew A/S' share of
earnings and cash flow, respec-tively, from operating activities/average number
of shares in circulation including share options "in-the-money" 
EBITDA	Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, amortisation and impairment
losses as well as profit from sale of property, plant and equipment and
amortisation of intangible assets 
EBIT 	Earnings before interest and tax 
Profit margin	Operating profit before special items as a percentage of net
EBIT margin	EBIT as a percentage of net revenue 
Free cash flow as a percentage of net reve-nue	Free cash flow as a percentage
of net revenue 
Equity ratio	Equity at year end as a percentage of total assets
Debt ratio	Net interest-bearing debt at year end as a percentage of year-end