Reporting according to te Danish Securities Trading Act section 28 a
Company announcement n0 44/2011 — 5 December 2011
In accordance with section 28 a of the Danish Securities Trading Act, Royal Unibrew shall hereby report the following information regarding the managerial staff's and their connected persons' transactions with Royal Unibrew's shares and associated securities.
Name | Ulrik Bülow |
Reason | Board Member |
Issuer | Royal Unibrew A/S |
Securities ID | DK0010242999 |
Title | Shares |
Transaction | Sales |
Trading date | 2 December 2011 |
Market | NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S |
Number, pcs. | 3,000 |
Market price in DKK | 906,000.00 |
Please direct any queries to me at tel. +45 56 77 15 13.
Yours sincerely
Royal Unibrew A/S
Henrik Brandt