Share Buy-back at Royal Unibrew A/S
Share Buy-back at Royal Unibrew A/S
December 6, 2007 at 12:00 AM EST
fond-ru-47-2007-uk.pdf 297.3 KB
Share Buy-back at Royal Unibrew A/S On 1 June 2007, Royal Unibrew A/S launched its published Share Buy-back Programme with expected maximum share buy-back for DKK 200 million in the period up to the next annual General Meeting on 28 April 2008 (cf Announcement RU 18/2007 of 31 May 2007). The share buy-back will be executed under the ”Safe Harbour” provisions of the EU Commission Regulation No 2273/2003 of 22 December 2003. Royal Unibrew will therefore every seventh transaction day make an announcement of the accumulated pur-chases made under the Programme. Since the latest announcement of 27 November 2007 Royal Unibrew has under the Programme made the following purchases: Securities ID DK0010242999 Trading day Number of pur-chased shares Average trading price Amount DKK Accumulated for trading 1-126 153,534 646.51 99,260,581.70 27 November 2007 4,200 525.84 2,208,528.00 28 November 2007 3,670 530.45 1,946,751.50 29 November 2007 1,280 539.59 690,675.20 30 November 2007 3,000 575.72 1,727,160.00 03 December 2007 270 585.93 158,201.10 04 December 2007 3,700 571.79 2,115,623.00 05 December 2007 3,600 545.04 1,962,144.00 Accumulated for trading 1-133 173.254 635.31 110,069,664.50 The purchases referred to above imply that Royal Unibrew A/S now holds a total of 283,475 treasury shares of a nominal value of DKK 10 each, equivalent to 4.8% of the total number of issued shares of 5,900,000. Please address any questions to me at tel. +45 56 77 15 00. Yours sincerely Royal Unibrew A/S Ulrik Sørensen CFO