Share capital and voting rights

May 19, 2020 at 11:05 AM CEST


With reference to Company Announcement No 23/2020 and 24/2020 of 15 May 2020, Royal Unibrew A/S is required under section 32 of the Danish Consolidated Act on Capital Markets to disclose the Company’s total share capital and number of voting rights at the latest at the end of each calendar month in which changes have occurred to the Company’s share capital or voting rights.

The capital reduction resolved at the Annual General Meeting on 15 April 2020 was realised and registered in the IT system of the Danish Business Authority on 15 May 2019.

The total nominal share capital of Royal Unibrew A/S at 19 May 2020 amounts to DKK 98,700,000 divided into shares of a nominal value of DKK 2. The total number of voting rights at 19 May 2020 is 49,350,000.

For further information on this Announcement:
Lars Vestergaard, CFO, tel (+45) 30 93 18 08
